Wednesday, March 23, 2016

True Love

Dear Ones,

during my consultations many clients ask me if the one they are with is their real Soul Mate or they request guidance how to find their True Love.

I personally believe that all life is about finding True Love. 

It is about finding the Love within and expressing it inside out.
This Love that we find inside is the Love for Ourselves.
The Selve is nothing else than our own Soul.
Our own Soul is the little spark of the greatest Soul, the Source, the Creator, or for many of us the Divine. Therefore finding Love for our own Soul means to discover our Love for the Creator and to fall in love with everything that he creates and what exicts in all layers of our consciuosness.

Finding True Love means Finding Love for Everyone and Everything in All Universes.

Some of us come into this embodyment with an agreement with an other soul to meet in this lifetime and experiene and share Love together.This particular soul is our Soul Mate.
We have many Soul Mates from all lifetimes and realms.

But if we meet the special one in this life time, I would like to call it True Love.

The difference between one of the Soul Mates and the True Love simply is in my perspective the following:
We could meet some of our Soul Mates in one life time. They might appear in different forms: like sisters, brothers, parents, friends, partners, pats and more.
There is a deep bound between these souls. But they do not necessarily come togther as a couple.
If yes, it is often for the purpose of healing and removing some bad karma from past lives.
They also serve one and other to grow and become better beings.
These encounters do not need to last forever.
They also might be very painful as the karmic blockages will come up and have an influence on the relationship. Hopefully no new bad karma will be created...

Most of the people, do not wish to have these types of soul mate interactions when they move on in life.
But the truth is that we all live now in a time where the greatest transformation occurs since 45 000 erthly years and this is exactly what we signed up for before we came down to earth.
Therefore many of the relationships are this kind of meetings.
Ones the karma between the souls is cleared and the lessons are learned the souls will move on. When they have done a good job, they will stay friends and have achieved a deeper level of love, forgiveness and understanding for one and other.
Most likely these kind of experiences prepare us for connection with our True Love.

Many people on earth have a deep knowing inside that they are here to meet a very special soul.
When this truly happens these beings are extremely blessed.
At this time only about 20 percent of human beings are living in a True Love Relationship. All the other ones are still purifying their karma or simply searching.

The True Love Realtionship is a very special kind of relationship as both partners have the deep longing to experience True Love. Meaning through this encounter their relationship with their own Soul, the Divine and all Souls will deepen, harmonize and be uplifted.

This kind of realtionship is already based on True Love as both partners have reached a level of Self Realization and self love what is the foundation for their relationship.

They have also committed themsleves to serve each other. Not only in the manner of removing bad karma but through inspiring each other, helping to bring out the highest soul potential and to accomplish some life tasks.
The purpose of the True Love relationship is to uplift on the soul journey one and other and to be fully aligned with the Divine Qualities and to express them freely in the nest of this relationship. Some of these qualities are unconditional Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Light, Gratitude, Humilty, Peace, Harmony and more.
Very often the True Love relationships do not have any negative karma and therefore these connections have a different quality and are not weighed down by the darkness of past lives.
Most likely they have been soul mates in quite a few lifetimes, but already worked on the negative imprints and came out of the cycle of negative karma and now simply want to enjoy and celebrate the good virtue and the beauty of pure love in the human form.

They both carry a deep knowing in their hearts to serve humanity and all souls together.
This is the main purpose of their encounter.

I believe that everyone would recognize his or her True Love simply by the sensation in their hearts.
I also believe that the universe always supports these souls to meet in the Divine Timing.

Divine Timing means that both souls are ready to meet one and other. And this is always decided in Heaven.

The requirements for both are:

1. Self Love
2. Open Heart to receive and give Love
3. Alignment of Frequencies
4. Focus on service

I will explain more about the requirements in my next sharing.

For now I would like to recommend you to go to my Soul Light Practice Section and do one of the practices there.

Soon I will post some very specific practices for finding True Love and fo fullfill the requirements.

Today I would like to share how to connect with the True Love...Hope you will enjoy it.

Thank you for enjoying my sharing today.
Wishing you all the best for your True Love Journey.

With my deepest Love and Greatest Soul Light

Soul Light Service

Dear Ones,

may my blog serve you well on your path to higher consciousness and enlightenment of the soul, heart, mind and body.

With Love and Blessings