Soul Light Practices

Soul Light Practice for Understanding
and for the Achievement of Higher True Love 


The purpose of our self studies is to achieve deeper levels of understanding of ourselves in order to be able to love ourselves and others to the fullest capacity of our soul, heart, mind and body.

As the Buddha said: "True Love is born from understanding".

For the most part of my life I felt deep desire to love unconditionally and understand fully.

I was guided by a inner power to always look within to find the answers for my inner struggles but also the challenges of daily life on earth. 
At a very young age I did something on a daily basis that I would call my conversation with the Universe. 
For any questions that came up in life I would simply ask the Universe the following:  

Dear Universe could you please give me the answer to this and that 
could you please explain me the root cause or the truth of this and that?

And the Universe would respond. Always.

The Universe had its own way to reply to me and I had my way to look within but also outside of me to find the answers of the Universe. 
I did this conversations at all times and anywhere I was and was also able to communicate with the Universe on behalf of others.

When I personally received information or guidance what to do in a situation, I would always follow the suggestions of the Universe and never doubted it, cause I always believed in the unconditional Love of the Universe and the willingness to support me. I trusted that the Universe would never mislead me as it did not make sense to me.

When I had the extraordinary luck to meet my spiritual father and most beloved teacher Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha in 2008, I have learned a lot new wisdom and many powerful techniques that truly uplifted my life and soul journey.

For the first time in my life I was taught spiritual practices for Self Healing and Self Realization by a physical Being and I found them extremely powerful and beneficial. 
I learned from Master Sha about the spiritual laws and prinicples that ordain our lives and learned Master Sha´s technique of Soul Communication what appealed very similar to my own universe-conversation-excersise:) as well as the Four Power Techniques, that I apply since the first day for the healing of any request.

Master Sha also taught me countless most important secrets and based on these I have developed my own approach of a practice that I apply for reaching higher understanding.

Let´s say you are experiencing a challange in life and would love to understand why it is happening to you.
We often have challenges with our loved ones, collegues, family members or friends and of course more...

In order to solve them it is most important that we understand our own impact, our behaviours and patterns that lead to these situations, we can this our karma.

It is important to understand that we can only change ourselves. 

When we take responsibilty for our words, thoughts and actions, we can transform ourselves and create a better outcome for all.

For this practice I highly recommend to prepare something to write or a voice recorder (your phone) close to you. If you do not have a soul journal yet, it would be very beneficial to get a beautiful note book now that you would enjoy writing in and a pen that you like.

Please make yourself comfortable in a nice safe place. 
Please open your soul, heart, mind and body for this practice. Have trust.

Body Power
Please sit up straight and place one palm on your lower abdomen and the other palm on your heart center (you decide which). Please close your eyes and breathe naturally in your lower abdomen.

Mind Power
Visualize golden Light in your lower abdomen.

Please say the following:

Soul Power  
Dear my beloved Soul, could you please give me an answer to the following question:

What have I done in this or past lives that has caused these issues now?

Please remain calm in a condition of meditation to receive the answer from your soul.

They might come in images, even like a movie that is shown to you suddenly. 
You could feal something or hear the answer.

Please write down what you have experienced and stay in the condition and ask the next question:
Why have I done it?
Take your time to receive the response from your soul again and please make notes.

And then please ask the last question: 
How can I transform?

Receive the answer and write it down in your journal.

The answers might be unpleasent to hear but you will still feel thankfulness as they are given to you to help you to achieve greater understanding of yourself and your life.
Please say thank you to your soul, remain in the stillness and feel the impact of this conversation.

Do you feel warmth in your heart area? Do you feel lighter? Happier? 

You might not seen any images or heard anything but maybe you just feel more centered, grounded and stronger. 

The answers to these questions might also come later to you, even in moments when you expect it the least.

Just be open and stay aligned, be trustful and grateful to receive.

You can also chant this mantra if you wish to help you to open up for universal wisdom:

Chant in your heart or out loud as much as you wish:
Universal Understanding blesses me.

Repeat the practice as much as you wish for any concern.
You will be amazed about the results.

Wishing you great joy and success in the understanding process of your beautiful self.
With Love and Blessings

Soul Light Practice for Connection with the True Love (Soul Mate)

When we have the deep knowing that there is a special soul for us out in the universe, we can connect with this soul through soul practices and offer our Love to this soul.

Sometimes we might already have met this special soul or even already know their names and more, then we can of course adress this soul in this practice.

When we are not sure yet we can simply leave it open.

Generally the souls love to connect with one and other. As oneness is their true nature and only our minds cause the seperation. 
We can overcome this sense of seperation and unite also while we are here in the physical realm even we have not met phyiscally yet.

When this is our true love, they of course will appear and be there for us.
Often they surround us and we don´t even know it. Sometimes they visit us and we can sense a very special energy around us or suddenly feel very loved and cared for...

It is very important that we create a sacred atmosphere and honor the souls we invite by showing them our greatest appreciation and respect.

Body Power
Please sit up straight and place the left palm on your lower abdomen and lift the right arm up at the hights of your heart center, palm facing infront of you. Fully relax and close your eyes.

When your spiritual channels are/or might open you will see the soul of your True Love with your inner eyes.

Mind Power
Put your mind in your lower abdomen and visualize you and your True Love sitting in a beautiful setting.
It might be a temple, a special room, a wonderful place in the nature, somewhere out in the universe and more...
Your True Love is in the same body position and the right palm of your true love is pointing your heart center.  
Now silently or out loud speak the following invocation...

Soul Power
Dear Soul Heart Mind and Body of my True Love. I love you. Honor you and appreciate you.
Could you please come and join me for the following practice? Please chant with me. Thank you.

You might feel an instant change of frequency in the room, see light, smell a beautiful sense or even hear something
Just relax, visualize golden bright stream of light shining between the heart centers of you and your True Love and continue like following.

Now it is time to chant a special mantra like this for at least 5 to 10 minutes:

Sound Power
I love you.
You love me.
We are one.
We are one.

Please close the practice by saying:
Love you. Love you. Love you.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Gong Song. Gong Song. Gong Song.
(this means in mandarin respectfully return)

Both of you have received great Blessings from each other.
Also the universe was very pleased that you have expressed unconditional Love in this way and also has blessed both of you.

This practice will also help you to align the freqeuncy of you and your True Love to a similar level what is vital for connecting with one and other in the physical realm.

Wishing you great experiences and the greatest Love and Joy during your practices.
With deep Love and Greatest Soul Light

Soul Light Practice for a Happy and Fullfilled Day

Body Power
Please sit up straight
Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

Mind Power
Focus your mind in your lower back area, on the opposite side of your belly and visualize there a bright golden light. 

Breathe naturally and reapat out loud or in your heart the following 

Soul Power
Dear Soul, Heart, Mind and Body of all my body parts, organs, systems, cells, DNA, RNA, spaces between the cells, all my energy centers, energy pathways, accupuncture points, all my soul houses (equals chakras), my emotional, mental, physical, spiritual bodies, all my Souls, Energies and Matter (Shen, Chi, Jing) from all my life times and dimensions
I love you, honor you and deeply appreciate you.
I thank you for all your service.
You have the power to heal, purify, transform, develop, strengthen and enlighten yourself.
You have the power to remove all soul, mind and body blockages and be the greatest servant you can be.
Please fully align with the highest source and remain in the condition of Love, Peace and Harmony so that every thought, word and action we perform on this day, is the purest expression of the greatest Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Light, Humility, Harmony, Gratitude, Flourishing, Enlightment, Peace and Service.
Thank you.


and continue...
Dear all my beloved Spiritual Fathers and Mothers in Heaven and on Earth,
dear all layers of Saints, of Divine, the Tao and the Source,

dear all Akasic Records workers and Leaders
dear all heaven´s generals and soldiers
dear all heaven´s Committees
dear all Angels, Elfs and Fairies, all heaven´s Animals
dear all layers of Heaven and beloved Mother Earth,
please forgive me, my ancestors, my descendents and all my loved ones all our mistakes.

Thank you.
I forgive everyone unconditionally. 
Please please bless and nourish all my Souls, Hearts, Minds and Bodies with your Soul Light.
Thank you.

Sound Power
Please repeat/ chant out loud or in your heart for 5-10 minutes:
Soul Light Blesses Me. Thank you.

You can also do some gentle movements, Tai Chi, Yoga or dance during this practice.

If you wish to turn this practice to the greatest service for the benefit of all, simply request the blessings for all souls in all universes as appropriate at this time and chant:
Soul Light blesses all of us. Thank You.

With my deepest Love and Greatest Soul Light
Wishing you all a blessed day.


Soul Light Practice for Increasing the Yin Power (for women and men)

Yin and Yang is the second universal law. 
When Yin and Yang is balanced within a being, one is healthy and happy. When yin and yang is balanced in the universe, everything is flourishing.

In the civilization of today there are many physical, mental and emotional diseases due to the imbalances of yin and yang, especially due to the lack of yin. 
Yin qualities are not valued enough in modern civilization as well as all nations who currently suppress the yin power, the female energy.

It is very important to strengthen the yin qualities, such as creativity, flexibility, kindness, calming, flowing, giving and nourishing. 
It is vital we learn receiving instead of taking.

Mother Earth in comparison to Heaven is considered to be Yin. 
She is the vital Yin power that nourishes us.

On Earth there are some major energy centers. Mother Earth also has chakras or soul houses like human beings do.

The first soul house (first Chakra) contains the Hui Yin acupuncture point and on Mother Earth this Yin Point is on the Hawaii Big Island.

Within the Human Body the Hui Yin point is located at the perineum at the bottom of the pelvis.

This Hui Yin acupuncture point gathers the Yin Energy in fact Shen, Chi and Jing, what is Soul Energy and Matter from Mother Earth.

Soul Light Practice

Body Power

Please sit in the butterfly pose (in Sanskrit it is called Baddha Konasana ) on the ground or floor.

Sit on the ground and put your feet together in front of your pelvis. Move the feet as far away from your body as you can easily place the knees to the left and right of the body.

In case the knees do not touch the floor, please adjust them with blankest or koussin so they pelvis can fully open and release any tension.

Sit up straight and place your both palms on the lower abdomen.

Mind Power

Close your eyes and visualize a golden light ball in your first soul house.

Soul Power invocation (including forgiveness practice)

Dear Soul Heart Mind and Body of all the souls, that I, my ancestors, my descendants and loved ones have ever harmed in the Hui Yin Area and the first soul house with our thoughts, words actions in any lifetime and in any dimension, please forgive us.

We sincerely apologize for all the spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, sexual, abuse. Please release us from all our spiritual depth we have caused due to power struggle, competition, abortion, child loss, rape and any other sexual abuse, slavery vows, bondage vows, sexual dependence vows, chastity vows, relationship vows, experiments, suction of chi and much more. Thank you.

At the same time I unconditionally forgive each and every one who has ever caused any of such harm to me, my ancestors, descendants and loved ones.  I release all fully from their inappropriate vows and unhealthy obligations to me as well as I cancel all harmful contracts.

Dear Soul Heart Mind and Body of my Hui Yin Acupuncture point and my first Soul House. I love you, honor you and appreciate you. You have the power to heal and purify yourself. To release and transform all the soul, heart, mind and body blockages to strengthen, develop and enlighten yourself. Please do a good job and absorb the yin power from Mother Earth and balance the yin and yang within my entire being. Thank you.

Dear Shen, Chi and Jing of Mother Earth, especially the Hui Yin acupuncture point on Hawaii Big Island, I love you, honor you and appreciate you. Please bless, heal and nourish my Hui Yin area and my first Soul House. Please offer me healing for my sexual organs, my relationships and boost my trust and confidence. Please strengthen my relationship to you and help me to increase my yin power including creativity, flexibility, kindness, calmness and serenity. Thank you.

Dear all souls please join me and chant with me.

Sound Power

Chant for 10 Minutes: Da He Xie (Greatest Harmony)

According to Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha this mantra correspondents very well with the Hui Yin Area. It stimulates the first soul house and increases the cellular vibration there.

Close the Practice with three times “Hao” and three times Thank you.

You can bow down your head or fully to Mother earth for the blessing you have received.

Please sent all souls back by saying three times “Gong Song”.

With Greatest Love and Soul Light



  1. Dearest Magdalena, I love your blog.I am happy and grateful to read more your Posts, they serve me very much.Thank you for your sharings. Thank you Thank you Thank you Love you Love you Love you

  2. Dearest Anastasia, thank you very much for your lovely Feedback. My blog and me, we are delighted to serve you. May your journey be filled with Love and Happiness. Love you. Magdalena

  3. Very heart touching. I thank you so much dear Magdalena!
    Much Love from Graz
