Thursday, April 7, 2016

Soul Apps are real

In my service as a Soul Healer I often have the chance to explain to the people I serve, offer Soul Healings and Soul Readings how this acutally works.
People often ask me: How can a Soul Healer offer Soul Healings to another being?
And the answer is, it is actually very simple: we have been given some Divine Treasures, Transmssions or Downloads from Heaven.
They have been transmitted to our bodies. Actually to our Soul, Heart, Mind and Body.

They carry very high frequencies of Divine Love, Divine Forgiveness, Divine Compassion, Divine Light and much more. When we turn the treasures on, they radiate these frequencies out to the recipient. They are connected to heaven and in fact gather very high frequencies directly from higher levels of heaven and bring them down to Mother Earth. For me it looks with my soul eyes, like a kind of huge light column that comes down from heaven, similar to the Peace Tower of John Lennon you can see below. But the peace tower sends light up to heaven ;)

The recipient is bathed with light during such a Soul Healing Blessing and the frequencies of her/his Soul, Heart, Mind and Body are transformed and uplifted.Soul Mind Body Blockages are removed. It is a like huge light cleansing.
There is much more that happens during a Soul Healing also in the Akashic Records and Heaven but I will describe more of this later.

People have often a lack of imagination how this is possibble, but in fact it is truly easier than sending someone an email. We work on computers for hours a day and send out countless emails in our life and do not wonder or question how this is possible. For me and my little understandig of technology, this is actually miraculous and I wonder up to now how this works.

On the other hand offering healings is very natural to me. I know since I am a little girl that I can sent energy to others like for instance Love or Compassion and I know I can do it also remotely as time and space is just not as real as human mind thinks.

I also always knew that I could connect to higher energy sources and be charged by them like for instance the Sun and the Moon and I have connected and meditated with them countless times.

In general it is much faster to sent out a Soul Healing Blessing than sending emails as soul light is faster than the speed of light and our thoughts are actually very fast too.

 But how can we receive such a kind of Soul App in order to be able to apply it and receive and offer services with it?

Well, we need to go to an authorized Soul App Dealer :)

It works the same way like we would like to update our computer.  We need to find someone who is truly authorized to offer us what we want.

We have to find the real one, who has the authority to transmit such high powers to us. A true Teacher. This one carries the authority directly from heaven. And it is a chosen and empowered servant to deliver the treasures to humanity.

Such Teachers or Gurus or Masters have always existed on Mother Earth. Since creation. But in our times they have been not easy to find. They would often hide somewhere in the mountains. Where only truly dedicated ones would take the effort to reach out for them and find them. These would be very blessed then and eventually become a lineage holder and maybe also receive the honor, authority and heaven´s grace to offer special heaven´s gift to humanity.

But at this time of Mother Earth Transission, heaven has a master plan how to support humanity in the upliftment process and heaven has sent a true Servant, Master and Saint again to Mother Earth to deliver wisdom, practices, healings and Soul Treasures to us.
His name is Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha.

And this Servant has been assigned by heaven to train other teachers and empower them to also deliver soul treasures to humanity. They are like the authorized Soul App Deliverers.
They are called Divine Channels or World Wide Representatives of Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha.
All of them offer Soul Treasures including Divine Healing Hands, what is one of the major Soul Healing Treasures for Humanity.

 You can learn more about Divine Healing Hands here soon or simply visit this website

There are also some Special Guides who have been trained to offer the Teachings about the Divine Healing hands and you will be able read more about them at the same website above.

I have personally been gifted with Soul Treasures since 2008 and have been gifted with Divine Healing Powers that are beyond my comprehansion.

Since the 2010  I have been honored to organize Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer Trainings in Berlin and assist Master David Lusch in training the Soul Healers there. At our first event in August 2010 five participants have taken this training and received the Soul App Divine Healing Hands, in 2011 there have been 50 excited people who joined the event. Now there are more than 400 Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers in Berlin and more than 5000 world wide.
Together they all serve humanity and Mother Earth to help to heal and transform the consciousness.


Since 2013 I have been given the honor to train Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers by myself.
In the past 6 years I have not missed even one of these World Wide Trainings and this weekend all around the world will have the opportunity to be part of this great family to be trained and begin to offer Soul Healings to themselves, their loved ones, animals, plants and more.

If you wish to join the Event that will start Friday Morning 10 am the 8th of April 2016 in many places around the world, please go here to find out more and register.

I can personally report countless miracle stories I have witnessed over the last 6 years that have been created through Divine Healing Hands.

One of the very first ones in Berlin was for a young lady who had breast cancer and was addicted to smoking. Her doctors have adviced her to stop and she tried everything for a long time but failed. She came to me and received one Soul Operation (I will share more about this soon) and one Divine Healing Hands Blessing for this issue and have quit smoking the very next day. She is also healed from cancer completely and maybe you can imagine now she became a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer by herself.

By the way, one of the most famous Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers of history was Jesus. Yes, Jesus has been chosen and gifted with many soul healing treasures or apps as well as Divine Healing Hands.

Not everyone can become such a powerful and amazing healer like Jesus was but at this time many many people have the chance to become at least a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer and move with their service in the direction of serving like a real saint.

If you feel a desire in your heart to do so, I can only encourage you.
You will be amazed. Maybe as much as I am when I press the button to sent an email out or post this sharing;)

Wishing you great joy and happiness on your journey and maybe you would like to at least experience a free Divine Healing Hands Blessing for one request.
Just email me and see what happens.

With Love and Happiness


  1. Magdelena-- this is an awesome blog and an absolutely brilliant analogy and way to explain it to people. Thank you so much! I will adopt it!

    1. Dear Sara, thank you very much for your loving feedback. I am very happy you liked it and excited to hear your sharings about spreading the wisdom about soul apps :) Love you.
