Sunday, October 30, 2016

Halloween a day to connect with HELL-OR-WEAN the light

On october 31st countless people in USA, Europe and other parts of the world celebrate Halloween.
Historically this celebration has it roots in the celtic tradition and was brought by the irish, christian immigrants to America. It was dedicated to remember the dead, the martyrs, those who faithfully departed and all saints.

In the past 25 years a new style came to Europe from America which includes dressing in mainly dark costums, playing games like "trick or treating" and having costume parties where the people get incredibly drunk.

I have been observing the increase of darkness on earth related to this new tradition for years. Weeks before the party starts the shops are already filled with dark costumes, masks, waepons and all kinds of itmes which we do not need on earth at all. We can find nasty pumpkins all over the place, scary coockies in the bakery and all kinds of products with dark images and messages in all stores. I am not even willing to look up the statisitc reports on how much income the plastic industry generates only by selling tons of items only designed for this one sad day. And I am sure they are laughing in their hearts about all of us who are trapped in that strange tradition.

It is most painful to watch how innocent children run around in disguise as the dead, monsters, zombies and more, not knowing what harm they are causing to themselves and the enviornment. For the adults who like to drink aclohol it´s even a bigger mess to cover themselves with darkest stuff from head to toe.

It is time to share some wisdom that can help us to understand how the dark side tricks and abuses humanity to create more darkness on earth.

In my percepetion the 31st of october is one of the darkest days of the year and in order to understand why, we need to open up and learn about some basic universal rules.

First of all as we put so much effort on this day to look an behave as dark and scary as we can, we are giving a lot of attention to the dark side and in fact we are feeding the dark side with our energy.

One universal principle taught for countless years by Grandmaster Zhi Gang Sha is: Where we put our focus or awareness, this is where our energy goes.

Second important key point is that when we put clothes on our body with written negative words or images this is what our body, our energy and our souls absorb.

We are mainly made of water and water stores messages or information. When we waer only one negatve word like for instance "hate" for a few hours on our chest, this message radiates to our soul, programs our consciuosness as well as even changes the vibration of our cells and is inprinted in our cells.

Further more, we radiate this message to the world and according to the universal laws, we attract what we sent out.

Maybe we should read some reports about the statistics of increased violence and agression, fights, rape, robbery, accidents and more on october 31st in order to understand the truth shared above.

By identifying with a dark character that we represent, we actually attract many dark souls as well as we dramatically lower our frequency and even cause our negative karma to activate even it was not meant to activate yet.

Have we ever wondered why many actors suffer from depression and anxiety or even commit suicide especially after they have played dark roles?

I can clearly see that they pollute themselves beyond their comprehansion when they embody dark people and do not have enough wisdom and techniques how to release the darkness. Some of them are affected by that forever.

And all of this is just the top of the ice berg.

What truly occurs of 31st of october can only be observed with open spiritual channels like for instance the third eye, what is a cherry sized energy center, located in the middle of our brain at the paneal gland, which percieves images from the spiritual world.

When we dress up dark and pretend to scare people, join in all kind of dark activities we actually invoce the dark side.

What I see on this day, is that countless dark portels on earth open up and the darkest beings, demons, monsters, countless creepy creatures from lower levels of hell step out to the world.

The dark side becomes very powerful on this day as we celebrate it.

There are traditions in different cultures where the dark side is honored and acknowledged in a respectful way on a special day of the year as it is a part of the creation in the yin yang world.

But this is not what humanity is doing on october 31st.

We are then mainly playing with the dark and give it a lot of space, power and opportunites to get attached to us, especially when we are drunk, when we lower our frequency and vibration and our natural protection field breaks down. Then we are not safe and the dark energies can easily connect with us as we open up for them.

Another major problem is that there are countless lost souls (hungry ghosts) on earth.

They basically live here amongst us without being noticed by the majority of humanity.
Some cultures spread the wisdom about the hungry ghosts in their traditions but in the western world we mainly learn about them from horror movies or settings where we make fun of them.

In reality the lost souls are a huge problem for humanity as they are living on our energy and often get attached to people to suck out their life force as well as they try to take over an other living human body in order to have a "house" to continue their life. Their presence can make us sad, aggressive, cause sleeping disorders, relationship problems or even make us physically sick.

Hungry ghosts are lost souls who have not rise to heaven due to their negative karma or simply missed the opportunity to rise up when they did not want to move on the soul journey cause they left the physical body due to an accident, a sickness, a war, a natural disaster or under shocking circumstances. Then the souls are sometimes confused and do not know where to go.
They also sometimes don´t want to move on cause they are too attached to their last life, their belongings like house and money, their loved ones or simply have unfinished tasks. When the time window of 48 earthly days for them to go, closes and they decide to stay, then they are most likely stuck on earth without a phyiscal boddy for ever.

Unless a light worker with enough wisdom and special abilities helps them to move on to light.

They run around here all the time and love to be in low vibrational, dark places but they especially love the celebrations of 31st cause they receive a lot of energy from all who celebrate as well many opportunities to jump in a persons body when someone is hoplessly drunk or under the influence of drugs.

I know all of this is not easy to digest and I would love to see mother earth as a bright and holy planet but in fact this is not what it is. Mother earth is a quite dark place and we are the ones who have polluted it over countless decades through our negative thoughts, words and actions.

We create darkness all the time. Any dark or negative thought creates more darkness.
All activites that hurt or harm others create darkness.

The participation in dark things, like horror movies, dark music, violent games and all things that are based on mental, emotional, physical, sexual, financial abuse, contribute to manifest more darkness.

Every negative word, written or spoken, all complaining, gossip or cursing creates more darkness.

My grand mother Maria, who is a very clear voyent lady ones taught my god mother a lesson. She observed that my aunty when she was about 7 years old spoke some cursing words to another kid. She took her daughter to the side and told her that she does not wish for her to speak such darkness and when my aunty asked why and what´s so bad about it, she said that she saw many disgusting worms coming out of her mouth when she spoke like that.

Yes, when we speak dark words we create and manifest very ugly things in the world.

Humanity would be scared to death when their third eyes would be fully open and they could see all these dark things.

My recommendation for october 31st is to stay at home and keep away from darkness.

The best thing would be to chant holy mantras and ask for forgiveness for all the darkness we have created and the harm we have collectivly caused to Mother Earth and all who live here.

Chanting a holy mantra like the for instance the Love Peace Harmony Soul Song (that you can downlaod for free below) not only clears our negtaive karma, it calms and purifies our mind, uplifts our frequency and vibration. It also creates a special and powerful light field around us and strengthens our protection. We are surrounded by countless holy beings when we chant sacred mantras. We invoce the light side.

We bring more light to Mother Earth that can transform the darkness over the time.

For those who still feel they would like to go out and have fun in the dark it would be the best to dress lightfully. You could wear angel cloths or go as a strong light being, an avatar or someone who represents light qualities like Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter or Peter Pan.

Please know that the only way to transform darkness is to connect with the light.

In order to have the desire to do this from the bottom of our hearts and souls, we need to be educated about some things that no one teaches us currently at school.

There are countless tools and many powerful Soul Healers that carry a lot of wisdom as well as high healing abilities to help those who suffer from the dark.

May we all awake and stop creating more darkness within and outside of us.

Let us all be the light.

With my deepest Love to all of you and with my greatest gratitude to all my spiritual fathers and mothers, my beloved teachers in heaven and on mother earth who shared words of wisdom for this article with me.



  1. Thank you for this very deep wisdom filled with the greatest love Magdalena. <3 <3 <3

  2. Thank you Magdalena for sharing this wisdom :) Love you <3

  3. I am so thankful for this blog. Everyone should read this! It is so important to change the consciousness. Thank you for explaining it so good and give also tools to transform darkness and to wear for example lightfull costumes. There is so much wisdom in your words. Thank you, Magdalena.

  4. There are countless tools and many powerful Soul Healers that carry a lot of wisdom as well as high healing abilities to help those who suffer from the dark.
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