Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Lost in Cyberspace ⛓📱⛓

Yesterday I was playing billiard with a dear friend in my village.
When we begun I have noticed two about 18 years old girls sitting next to each other in a corner of that place.
They both were holding their smart phones in their hands and both were deeply sunk into them.
During our entire stay these two girls did not look at each other or speak a word.
The only time I saw them talking was right before they stood up and left.

One day later, I am still thinking of this experience that made me kind of sad and concerned.

I feel deeply grateful in my heart that the universe has arranged my reincarnation so early on this planet before the new form of addiction reached every household.

Beside the fact that I personally think its very important to honor the person, friend that has chosen to share time and space with us, the one who has made some effort to come and see us...I think its just basic to give them the greatest attention, love and care we can...

I also think that at this time we all have to watch ourselves carefully and check if we are gradually growing into an addiction that can not be even reflected to us by some of our dear friends as the same behaviors have become normal pattern of their lives.

I was reflecting my own habits with social media a lot since the end of last year and after noticing that I am checking my emails, messages or reading things on social media even before my morning meditation and a cup of tee, it became obvious to me, that I wish to make some adjustments.

So I have made some clear decisions for my current life that I am implementing right now.

Social Media and the modern ways of communication have had a great impact on my life in the past few years and I honor this.

When I was working for an international company I have been communicating daily with different people in different time zones on different platforms.
There were days where I have answered or handled a few hundred of "communications" via email, cell phone, landline phone, skype, facebook messenger , what's app and more.
The amount of all kinds of information that I was absorbing, digesting and proceeding daily was beyond anything I have ever imagined to be able to do.

I ended up with a severe burn out, a new form of social media phobia and chronic exhaustion where I could not open my laptop without getting dizzy...

There are of course countless advantages of technology, social media and Internet and I truly benefit a lot from them by myself in many aspects of life.

I did meet lovely people and clients via social media from all over the world and some I was honored to serve solely via Internet. People who were suffering from severe illness including suicidal thoughts connected with me in these ways and luckily received fast help.

I have experienced wonderful things, received heart touching and creative messages, poems, secrets, angel online cards, read beautiful articles, listened to amazing music and watched breathtaking arts, all provided to me via social media.

I am deeply thankful for all of this.

At the same time I also observe every day the other side of it.

I have seen posts from people who truly seem to forget that they are in public.

I watched people writing comments to their friends and also to prominent people that are beyond any form of courtesy.

Just recently I witnessed that someone who bravely made his relationship public, received within few hours many harsh responses from his so called loving fans and his girl friend was called many unpleasant names, criticized for her look etc. and even cursed a few times..by strangers whom she most likely have never ever met in this life time.

I witness people falling into depression, anxiety and a sort of deprivation after a person they followed signed off from a social media platform.

I have also found strange behaviors like what I call "identity steeling".

When we for example surch on instagram for a prominent person like Jonny Depp, we will find countless people who created an account under his name.

This might sound like a small issue but is intact very serious.

Young people who do that could lose contact to their own soul and could get confused about their own identity. 

On the other hand, souls have chosen their name for a purpose and do not appreciate when others abuse their names in this way and tune in their energy field through this strange connection.

There are also ways of energy steeling through internet or social media we are not enough aware of. Some people are literally sucked out by their followers, when they are too open and not protected enough.

There are many people who suffer from a new form of mobbing via social media, that goes beyond stalking, by people they have never spoke a personal word to but who think they have the right to share their opinion about them in the public, insult, curse, threaten them for what ever reason.

Internet and especially social media is fast and it looks like people sometimes comment faster than they think.

One important self review we can do for any of our posts on social media is to check what, why and how we share there.

I have seen famous yoga teachers who have shared a bad experience they made on a day and used countless violent words despite of any honor code of yoga called ahimsa.

I have observed and offered healing for serious addiction symptoms related to smart phones, social media and more for many people for years and I noticed them starting for myself...

There is so much more to share but at this time I would like to explain what I see with my spiritual channels happening to us due to social media over activities.

I observe that our human and spiritual communication systems shut down due to the overuse of modern technology and lack of real connections and physical conversations.

Skills like the ability to intuitively read the facial expressions, body language are getting lost.

Friends also meet less physically and have less contact like hugs and real laughter in company what is very important for the development of our brain functions and over all health.

I assume that in few years people will not know anymore how to respond appropriately to an emotion that is expressed by someone in front of them.

We do not exchange energy anymore the way we should in our interactions.

In addition to that, when we are chatting via computer or smart phones, they are sending strong light to our brains. That increases our cellular vibration and produces too much energy there. We are also exposed to a not natural electronic energy source that often radiates out right in front of our chest or heart area.

Therefore we suffer from access energy in certain areas of our body like for instance our chest and brain, what can cause head ache, neck pain, anxiety, depressions, lack of concentration, over excitement, insomnia, exhaustion and more.

During normal physical conversation we usually connect with a person through our energy centers and there is a natural energy flow and exchange amongst us.
We also interpret and understand their feelings and verbal expression by identifying their energy vibration and also for instance smelling them.

We can feel someone's vibration of course remotely and tune into that but instead of paying attention to their eyes and lip movements we now only learn how to select or understand the emoji in our chats.
The eyes are truly the window to the soul and looking someone into the eyes while we speak is vital for the exchange of love, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude and more.
It is the key for the creation of a real lasting connection or relationship. Through eye contact and sometimes even physical contact we create a deep closeness and understanding that is not achieved in any cyberspace.

Basically we are becoming less sensitive, a kind of numb but overstimulated at the same time.

Hanging out with people in the cyberspace can be very joyful and exciting but not having the skills anymore to connect with them in real life is painful.

We are all affected by the rapid developments in the technological field that goes much faster than our developments and adjustments of our social skills that historically are established over decades and encoded in our genes.

Many people are thrilled by the possibility to connect with people from different cultures over the continents but we are leaking the understanding for values and certain traditional imprints as they can not be transported to us in the same way via internet as we experience them when we truly travel to another country to dive into the culture with all of our human senses.

After watching what is happening to all of us all over the world regarding the new forms of communication and some deep personal experiences I have decided to be much more alert of my own use of my electronic devices and social media interactions.

I believe that deep in our hearts we are all looking for love, understanding, appreciation, kindness and more. If our souls would not wish to make physical experiences like this anymore, we would not be here on earth in physical bodies.

Cyberspace should serve our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies at the same time and help us to navigate through this physical life instead of getting lost in virtual space.

I deeply love beautiful images and words and I enjoy floating in social media a lot, but at this time of my life, I wish to have real conversations, hear the voice of people I speak to,  have real meetings, real hugs, see real animals, be in the real nature, feel it, smell it and much more.

Therefore I sign out and join in.

I know, those who really love me, will find a way to connect with me in the physical world also.

I invite you all to follow me, surf and chat less and make real experiences in the real world.

With Love

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