Here is to the ones who love: Happy Valentin's Day. Love unconditionally and give your love freely to the one you love, to those who deserve your love and most of all to those who do not deserve it at all.
Always know, love melts all blockages and only love transforms what is not love into love.
Be Love. Give Love. Multiply Love and open your arms to receive Love...
Today all around the world people will share their love.
Even it is not the official international Love Day (this is actually on Mai 1st) I can say, there is a huge love energy covering the world right now and one can see bright love bubbles around lovers all over the world and peoples hearts are open more than usual on this day...some are truly glowing light inside out like a bright star.
For those who are in love it is an opportunity to celebrate their love with their beloved one happily in any way they wish to.
Some who feel lonesome in their life, they often suffer on this day more than usual.
For those who are in love with someone but did not join as one yet, it could be a perfect day to express their love genuinely and move on closer to manifestation of their love relationship.
But this seems to be most difficult for many people and instead of enjoying bathing in their own love cloud today people are struggling with feelings of fear, worries, doubts and hesitation.
Many people are simply too scared to express their true feelings openly.
Having a closer look at my own fear I found that the word s*care*d in English language contains the word "care". One reason why we are scared to reach out to the one who is special to our hearts, is simply because we care deeply for them. When we would not care, it would not be scary at all.
But what is so scary about connecting with someone we really like?
There could be countless reasons and especially when we examine this from the soul perspective and have a closer look at the karmic blockages from past lives, we can find that there are many experiences like great loss and emotional and mental and sometimes even physical harm that people went through in relationships that left bad imprints for the future.
One reason why people are scared to reach out to someone is also because they anticipate bed consequences such as being rejected and criticized.
Even it does not make any logically sense especially when we are talking about two people who have already connected in some way and shared their feelings.
Many people have great fear to lose someone and to fail to perform.
Their own feelings of lack of perfection and self love and deep sensations of unworthiness block them from connecting to their beloved.
Another problem we are facing at this time is that the majority of humanity is trapped in the attraction and rejection programs that have been present for decades on earth and have been culturally spread and accepted.
They play games and pretend they are not interested, play cold and unreachable.
We can even find dances like Tango that fully express this funny play between a man and a women and we see it in all kinds of movies, reality shows, advertisements and more that spread and reconfirm the believes that the one who is out of reach is the one we should be heading for.
Women and men in these days feel often very drawn to those who reject them and do not show their true feelings to them.
There are complicated strategies countless people follow for chasing each others without questioning them.
Even friends often give advices for example to ignore the other one for a while, no to pay attention, not to call, respond to an email, call, message etc. in the conviction that the desired one will increase the interest in this way finally.
There are many coaches on earth who seriously teach funny hunting strategies for men and women: People with great egos can receive guidance how to conquer others with the same size of ego. We can pay for learning manipulation strategies.
This is all quite sad and simply only an expression of all the darkness we have manifested and accumulated here on earth.
The truth is humanity is afraid of real love and has forgotten about true love.
Even everyone is searching for love and many deeply wish to have a love relationship, the ideas of love relationships are often based on selfish desires and lack of wholeness and have nothing to do with true love.
Many people currently simply project many unfulfilled desires they have on the potential person they are interested in. At the same time they leak the desire to serve the other one to have theirs satisfied.
The root cause for all of that is that people often do not love themselves enough and are feeling empty.
They are looking for someone to make them feel better and hope they will increase their own value by connecting with someone.
For that many do not look at the inner values of a person but are just drawn to what is visible on the surface and is appreciated in the society like a certain style and body shape, money, amount of followers and likes on social media etc.
People are not aware of the qualities and values that are the real foundation for a true love relationship.
They are
1. Self Love and Authenticity
2. Open heart to give and receive love
3. Alignment of frequencies
4. Focus on service, to one and other and together for the greater good
I deeply believe that these are the keys for lasting, fulfilling and happy relationships.
It truly starts with the first point.
A dear friend here in Sweden who teaches me a lot about the life in Sweden and especially the Swedish culture always educates me about important things. Recently when we were speaking about love and certain reactions of people to love, she said that people here are not so used to express their love so freely like I do and therefore it might be overwhelming to some of them to meet me.
She said to me: "You are like a Love-Tsunami and your waves are too huge for some to handle."
This hit me like a thunder and for few days I sincerely tried to find out how to change myself, control myself and adapt more to the colder atmosphere I am in here.
I was standing on a bridge close by my house and saw the frozen river. I was thinking how much effort it would be for a frozen river to finally become a tsunami and wise versa.
Luckily a scene from the movie "My Best friends wedding" came into my mind, where Julia Roberts tries to explain to Cameron Diaz that the one she loves, prefers jelly instead of creme brulee. Julia explains to Cameron that Cameron is a creme brulee and can not give him what he needs. Cameron who loves the guy so much, is willing to change and wants to be like jelly but Julia points out that a creme brule never can become jelly.
I believe that the most important thing for a true love relationship is to be truly ourselves.
When we are who we are and honestly express our authentic self we will attract exactly what is perfect to us.
By law we always attract the vibration we are radiating out.
We are all striving to grow and become better beings always.
But we never should change for anyone, to make them love us, to please them.
When the one we feel affection for, does not like us the way we are, this one is simply not the one made for us. And we are not made for them.
When we pretend to be something we are not, when we suppress our feelings, our creativity our desire to offer gifts, give love and our vibrant personality in order to be loved we will end up feeling depressed and not loving ourselves anymore.
Its much worser to lose ourself than someone who did not truly love our true self anyways.
We should never sacrifice who we are.
We should always express sincerely what we mean, how we feel about something and for someone instead of not saying nothing or things we don't mean.
When we love someone but pretend we do not, this is actually not being truthful to ourself and the person and this causes harm to us and is what we are going to attract from others too.
Many people ruin their relationship by not talking.
Many relationships fail to begin due to lack of communication.
Love is a vibrant energy and is constantly moving. It is contracting and expanding.
Love wants to be expressed and there are as many ways of expression as people on earth.
When we are lucky we will find the one, who resonates with our expression.
Sometimes we are expanding and giving, reaching out.
Sometimes we are contracting and are more calm and enjoy to receive.
This is a natural process.
Two lovers never can keep up constantly expressing the highs.
There are lows too and without them we can not enjoy the highs at all.
Sometimes we just have to sit and wait in trust and until the tide of expression is over.
At that times we have to dive deep in our ocean of Self- love.
When the one we believe resonates with us does not respond to our love offerings, even the person might never return love back to us, this should never keep us from giving.
As the act of giving and expressing love is a vibrant and fulfilling experience for ourselves.
When we share love, love flows through us and nourishes us.
When we truly love the person, should not we just be happy that they have received our love?
When we truly love them unconditionally, it makes our hearts deeply satisfied, that they have received love.
Even the one might not return love to us at any time in this life, this love we offered is never a waist.
The universe is mostly fair and what we give, always comes back to us.
The back-payment does not have to occur in a direct exchange between two persons. The circle of service and giving is much bigger.
Therefore most likely one day we will receive love... back...maybe from the one we adore currently...maybe from another person.
We will see.
All we have to do, is to give love freely and believe in this truth.
Therefore today and on any day I wish to say "I love you".
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ReplyDeleteHello dear Callahan, thank you for your message. Please stop using my blog to advertise your offers. I do also believe that we have a very different view on things and different approach to deal with matters in life for sure. I believe in love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, free will and many other Divine Qualities. Learning how to manipulate people to achieve things in life and satisfy the ego desires is in my view truly from the last century and nothing we wish to continue with in the soul Light era and 5th dimensional life. With Love and Light, Magdalena