Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Understanding Negative Memories

A few days ago I went through a major transformation of one negative memory and as this experience taught me so much about negative memories in general, I have to write it down, so I remember forever.

A few weeks after the first snow up here in Sweden, it was really cold and slippy. I was driving my dear friend up to her mountain cabin and right before we reached the crossing where I would have had to turn right to her road, my car started over sudden to do funny things, like slowing down and a kind of car caughing until if finally stopped right before the top of that hill.

It was late at night and we were figuring out what to do. We were wondering if there was lesser fuel than I thought, not enough oil or what else could caused these troubles. Luckily two nice neighbors came bye and offered their help. With enough men power we were all able to turn my car around and then I rolled down until I could start the motor again to drive home.

 Even this adventure had a happy end, I realized just recently that since then I never again drove there. Since that day I used to always walk to my friend, no matter how cold or how late it was.
I was convinced I did it because I love to walk anyways but when I really had to drive there a few days ago cause I was sick and too weak to make it up that hill
I found out that I had a very strong negative memory from that one experience, that was so severe that it lead me actually to avoidance.

When I took my car a few days ago on the half of the way I started to feel great discomfort and fear. I had all kinds of negative images coming up, that my car would stop again and I would role back the hill backwards and cause an accident or even my car would totally break etc.

Even I did not want to think that way, I could not stop it and was quite challenged to drive up there. I started to ask heaven for help and chanted holy mantras until I arrived well at my destination without any issues at all.
I was very relieved and only then noticed what a big impact that one incident had on my life.

It lead me to examine the mind especially the subconscious mind and healing of negative memories.

We as human beings are made of energy in different forms.

Our physical body is not only simply energy that manifested in the form of matter but also has, for our physical eyes invisible, layers like the mental body, the emotional body, energy pathways, energy field and more.

In summery we are made of Soul, Heart, Mind and Body. My focus here is the mind.

The Mind is consciousness.

It can be subdivided in super-consciousness, consciousness, unconsciousness and subconsciousness.

The mind receives messages from the heart. The mind is basically directed by the heart. The heart is directed by the soul. The mind sends messages to our energy and our body. It also has an impact on our emotions.

When the mind is totally pure, what means free of any negative imprints (negative karma) it is completely filled with purest qualities such as openness, love, forgiveness, compassion, light, humility, grace, sincerity, honesty.

When the mind is polluted by negative karma (= record of all our services in thoughts, words and actions from all our lifetimes in all dimensions),
it contains negative aspects and one of them are negative memories.

The negative memories are actually carried by the soul.

Our souls store messages, information from all lifetimes. Good ones and bad ones. Our soul comes with all that baggage from the past into this life.

The bad information could be caused by negative experiences such as pain, any sickness, trauma, accidents, emotional imbalances, mental confusion, relationship blockages and financial suffering and much more.
These ones leave a kind of imprint on our soul and mind.

Negative imprints like negative memories have a huge impact on our subconsciousness. Even we are not aware of them, they still influence our thoughts, words and actions.

Negative memories can be so strong that they cause us to suffer a lot, feel intensive negative emotions and perform actions we don`t want to do and do not understand but still do them.

Old negative memories can be activates at any time by a trigger and take over suddenly.

I had a client two years ago who over sudden had an emotional and mental break down for any obvious reason and since then she suffered from great anger and aggression towards men. She became very depressed and exhausted from her emotional downs.

She could not control these feelings and stopped going to work cause she felt so overwhelmed by them and did not want to act them out towards her male colleagues. She was on sick leaf for over a year when she came to me and had tried all kinds of therapies that could not help her.

During our first session, when I did a reading from her Akashic Records, we found out that she was actually raped and killed by a group of soldiers in her penultimate incarnation. These very bad and traumatic memories activated exactly at the same age in this life when it happened to her in her previous life.
She was totally clueless about the karmic reason but it made great sense to her and she felt its very true.
After the reading she was able to release the memories in a healing session as well as finally totally transformed her condition completely through guided forgiveness practices, calligraphy soul healings and some further healing sessions. She started to live a normal life again, went to work, found peace with her male colleagues and even wanted to date a man.

For myself I have been discovering many negative memories from past life over the past ten years but I am mostly focusing on healing those from this lifetime.

I was very surprised how much this little memory has influenced me in the past weeks and I decided to pay much more attention to the transformation of negative memories in my self healing practices.

Psychologist have stated that something negative that is stored in the subconscious mind can not be healed unless it is brought up to the surface and we become conscious of it.

This is one of the reasons why we often on our journey even chose some kind of "negative" experiences, in order to shake up, trigger or dig in the old imprints, so we become aware of them and finally release and heal them.

I personally believe that in order to heal something fast and completely we need to heal it on the level where it is located.

In order to heal soul memories we need to apply techniques that work on the soul level and we do not need to wait until they are activated or we understood them.

The faster we take care of them, the better. 

Therefore I am going to post a powerful self soul healing practice for the transformation of negative memories in my soul light practices section very soon.

With Love

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