Tuesday, February 14, 2017

To the ones who Love

Here is to the ones who love: Happy Valentin's Day. Love unconditionally and give your love freely to the one you love, to those who deserve your love and most of all to those who do not deserve it at all.
Always know, love melts all blockages and only love transforms what is not love into love.

Be Love. Give Love. Multiply Love and open your arms to receive Love...

Today all around the world people will share their love.

Even it is not the official international Love Day (this is actually on Mai 1st) I can say, there is a huge love energy covering the world right now and one can see bright love bubbles around lovers all over the world and peoples hearts are open more than usual on this day...some are truly glowing light inside out like a bright star.

For those who are in love it is an opportunity to celebrate their love with their beloved one happily in any way they wish to.

Some who feel lonesome in their life, they often suffer on this day more than usual.

For those who are in love with someone but did not join as one yet, it could be a perfect day to express their love genuinely and move on closer to manifestation of their love relationship.

But this seems to be most difficult for many people and instead of enjoying bathing in their own love cloud today people are struggling with feelings of fear, worries, doubts and hesitation.

Many people are simply too scared to express their true feelings openly.

Having a closer look at my own fear I found that the word s*care*d in English language contains the word "care". One reason why we are scared to reach out to the one who is special to our hearts, is simply because we care deeply for them. When we would not care, it would not be scary at all.

But what is so scary about connecting with someone we really like?

There could be countless reasons and especially when we examine this from the soul perspective and have a closer look at the karmic blockages from past lives, we can find that there are many experiences like great loss and emotional and mental and sometimes even physical harm that people went through in relationships that left bad imprints for the future.

One reason why people are scared to reach out to someone is also because they anticipate bed consequences such as being rejected and criticized.

Even it does not make any logically sense especially when we are talking about two people who have already connected in some way and shared their feelings.

Many people have great fear to lose someone and to fail to perform.
Their own feelings of lack of perfection and self love and deep sensations of unworthiness block them from connecting to their beloved.

Another problem we are facing at this time is that the majority of humanity is trapped in the attraction and rejection programs that have been present for decades on earth and have been culturally spread and accepted.

They play games and pretend they are not interested, play cold and unreachable.

We can even find dances like Tango that fully express this funny play between a man and a women and we see it in all kinds of movies, reality shows, advertisements and more that spread and reconfirm the believes that the one who is out of reach is the one we should be heading for.

Women and men in these days feel often very drawn to those who reject them and do not show their true feelings to them.
There are complicated strategies countless people follow for chasing each others without questioning them.

Even friends often give advices for example to ignore the other one for a while, no to pay attention, not to call, respond to an email, call, message etc. in the conviction that the desired one will increase the interest in this way finally.

There are many coaches on earth who seriously teach funny hunting strategies for men and women: People with great egos can receive guidance how to conquer others with the same size of ego. We can pay for learning manipulation strategies.

This is all quite sad and simply only an expression of all the darkness we have manifested and accumulated here on earth.

The truth is humanity is afraid of real love and has forgotten about true love.

Even everyone is searching for love and many deeply wish to have a love relationship, the ideas of love relationships are often based on selfish desires and lack of wholeness and have nothing to do with true love.

Many people currently simply project many unfulfilled desires they have on the potential person they are interested in. At the same time they leak the desire to serve the other one to have theirs satisfied.

The root cause for all of that is that people often do not love themselves enough and are feeling empty.

They are looking for someone to make them feel better and hope they will increase their own value by connecting with someone.

For that many do not look at the inner values of a person but are just drawn to what is visible on the surface and is appreciated in the society like a certain style and body shape, money, amount of followers and likes on social media etc.

People are not aware of the qualities and values that are the real foundation for a true love relationship.

They are
1. Self Love and Authenticity
2. Open heart to give and receive love
3. Alignment of frequencies
4. Focus on service, to one and other and together for the greater good

I deeply believe that these are the keys for lasting, fulfilling and happy relationships.

It truly starts with the first point.

A dear friend here in Sweden who teaches me a lot about the life in Sweden and especially the Swedish culture always educates me about important things. Recently when we were speaking about love and certain reactions of people to love, she said that people here are not so used to express their love so freely like I do and therefore it might be overwhelming to some of them to meet me.
She said to me: "You are like a Love-Tsunami and your waves are too huge for some to handle."

This hit me like a thunder and for few days I sincerely tried to find out how to change myself, control myself and adapt more to the colder atmosphere I am in here.

I was standing on a bridge close by my house and saw the frozen river. I was thinking how much effort it would be for a frozen river to finally become a tsunami and wise versa.

Luckily a scene from the movie "My Best friends wedding" came into my mind, where Julia Roberts tries to explain to Cameron Diaz that the one she loves,  prefers jelly instead of creme brulee. Julia explains to Cameron that Cameron is a creme brulee and can not give him what he needs. Cameron who loves the guy so much, is willing to change and wants to be like jelly but Julia points out that a creme brule never can become jelly.

I believe that the most important thing for a true love relationship is to be truly ourselves.

When we are who we are and honestly express our authentic self we will attract exactly what is perfect to us.

By law we always attract the vibration we are radiating out.

We are all striving to grow and become better beings always.

But we never should change for anyone, to make them love us, to please them.

When the one we feel affection for, does not like us the way we are, this one is simply not the one made for us. And we are not made for them.

When we pretend to be something we are not, when we suppress our feelings, our creativity our desire to offer gifts, give love and our vibrant personality in order to be loved we will end up feeling depressed and not loving ourselves anymore.

Its much worser to lose ourself than someone who did not truly love our true self anyways.

We should never sacrifice who we are.

We should always express sincerely what we mean, how we feel about something and for someone instead of not saying nothing or things we don't mean.

When we love someone but pretend we do not, this is actually not being truthful to ourself and the person and this causes harm to us and is what we are going to attract from others too.

Many people ruin their relationship by not talking.
Many relationships fail to begin due to lack of communication.

Love is a vibrant energy and is constantly moving. It is contracting and expanding.

Love wants to be expressed and there are as many ways of expression as people on earth.

When we are lucky we will find the one, who resonates with our expression.

Sometimes we are expanding and giving, reaching out.

Sometimes we are contracting and are more calm and enjoy to receive.

This is a natural process.

Two lovers never can keep up constantly expressing the highs.

There are lows too and without them we can not enjoy the highs at all.

Sometimes we just have to sit and wait in trust and until the tide of expression is over.

At that times we have to dive deep in our ocean of Self- love.

When the one we believe resonates with us does not respond to our love offerings, even  the person might never return love back to us, this should never keep us from giving.

As the act of giving and expressing love is a vibrant and fulfilling experience for ourselves.

When we share love, love flows through us and nourishes us.

When we truly love the person, should not we just be happy that they have received our love?

When we truly love them unconditionally, it makes our hearts deeply satisfied, that they have received love.

Even the one might not return love to us at any time in this life, this love we offered is never a waist.

The universe is mostly fair and what we give, always comes back to us.

The back-payment does not have to occur in a direct exchange between two persons. The circle of service and giving is much bigger.

Therefore most likely one day we will receive love... back...maybe from the one we adore currently...maybe from another person.

We will see.
All we have to do, is to give love freely and believe in this truth.

Therefore today and on any day I wish to say "I love you".

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Understanding Negative Memories

A few days ago I went through a major transformation of one negative memory and as this experience taught me so much about negative memories in general, I have to write it down, so I remember forever.

A few weeks after the first snow up here in Sweden, it was really cold and slippy. I was driving my dear friend up to her mountain cabin and right before we reached the crossing where I would have had to turn right to her road, my car started over sudden to do funny things, like slowing down and a kind of car caughing until if finally stopped right before the top of that hill.

It was late at night and we were figuring out what to do. We were wondering if there was lesser fuel than I thought, not enough oil or what else could caused these troubles. Luckily two nice neighbors came bye and offered their help. With enough men power we were all able to turn my car around and then I rolled down until I could start the motor again to drive home.

 Even this adventure had a happy end, I realized just recently that since then I never again drove there. Since that day I used to always walk to my friend, no matter how cold or how late it was.
I was convinced I did it because I love to walk anyways but when I really had to drive there a few days ago cause I was sick and too weak to make it up that hill
I found out that I had a very strong negative memory from that one experience, that was so severe that it lead me actually to avoidance.

When I took my car a few days ago on the half of the way I started to feel great discomfort and fear. I had all kinds of negative images coming up, that my car would stop again and I would role back the hill backwards and cause an accident or even my car would totally break etc.

Even I did not want to think that way, I could not stop it and was quite challenged to drive up there. I started to ask heaven for help and chanted holy mantras until I arrived well at my destination without any issues at all.
I was very relieved and only then noticed what a big impact that one incident had on my life.

It lead me to examine the mind especially the subconscious mind and healing of negative memories.

We as human beings are made of energy in different forms.

Our physical body is not only simply energy that manifested in the form of matter but also has, for our physical eyes invisible, layers like the mental body, the emotional body, energy pathways, energy field and more.

In summery we are made of Soul, Heart, Mind and Body. My focus here is the mind.

The Mind is consciousness.

It can be subdivided in super-consciousness, consciousness, unconsciousness and subconsciousness.

The mind receives messages from the heart. The mind is basically directed by the heart. The heart is directed by the soul. The mind sends messages to our energy and our body. It also has an impact on our emotions.

When the mind is totally pure, what means free of any negative imprints (negative karma) it is completely filled with purest qualities such as openness, love, forgiveness, compassion, light, humility, grace, sincerity, honesty.

When the mind is polluted by negative karma (= record of all our services in thoughts, words and actions from all our lifetimes in all dimensions),
it contains negative aspects and one of them are negative memories.

The negative memories are actually carried by the soul.

Our souls store messages, information from all lifetimes. Good ones and bad ones. Our soul comes with all that baggage from the past into this life.

The bad information could be caused by negative experiences such as pain, any sickness, trauma, accidents, emotional imbalances, mental confusion, relationship blockages and financial suffering and much more.
These ones leave a kind of imprint on our soul and mind.

Negative imprints like negative memories have a huge impact on our subconsciousness. Even we are not aware of them, they still influence our thoughts, words and actions.

Negative memories can be so strong that they cause us to suffer a lot, feel intensive negative emotions and perform actions we don`t want to do and do not understand but still do them.

Old negative memories can be activates at any time by a trigger and take over suddenly.

I had a client two years ago who over sudden had an emotional and mental break down for any obvious reason and since then she suffered from great anger and aggression towards men. She became very depressed and exhausted from her emotional downs.

She could not control these feelings and stopped going to work cause she felt so overwhelmed by them and did not want to act them out towards her male colleagues. She was on sick leaf for over a year when she came to me and had tried all kinds of therapies that could not help her.

During our first session, when I did a reading from her Akashic Records, we found out that she was actually raped and killed by a group of soldiers in her penultimate incarnation. These very bad and traumatic memories activated exactly at the same age in this life when it happened to her in her previous life.
She was totally clueless about the karmic reason but it made great sense to her and she felt its very true.
After the reading she was able to release the memories in a healing session as well as finally totally transformed her condition completely through guided forgiveness practices, calligraphy soul healings and some further healing sessions. She started to live a normal life again, went to work, found peace with her male colleagues and even wanted to date a man.

For myself I have been discovering many negative memories from past life over the past ten years but I am mostly focusing on healing those from this lifetime.

I was very surprised how much this little memory has influenced me in the past weeks and I decided to pay much more attention to the transformation of negative memories in my self healing practices.

Psychologist have stated that something negative that is stored in the subconscious mind can not be healed unless it is brought up to the surface and we become conscious of it.

This is one of the reasons why we often on our journey even chose some kind of "negative" experiences, in order to shake up, trigger or dig in the old imprints, so we become aware of them and finally release and heal them.

I personally believe that in order to heal something fast and completely we need to heal it on the level where it is located.

In order to heal soul memories we need to apply techniques that work on the soul level and we do not need to wait until they are activated or we understood them.

The faster we take care of them, the better. 

Therefore I am going to post a powerful self soul healing practice for the transformation of negative memories in my soul light practices section very soon.

With Love

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Lost in Cyberspace ⛓📱⛓

Yesterday I was playing billiard with a dear friend in my village.
When we begun I have noticed two about 18 years old girls sitting next to each other in a corner of that place.
They both were holding their smart phones in their hands and both were deeply sunk into them.
During our entire stay these two girls did not look at each other or speak a word.
The only time I saw them talking was right before they stood up and left.

One day later, I am still thinking of this experience that made me kind of sad and concerned.

I feel deeply grateful in my heart that the universe has arranged my reincarnation so early on this planet before the new form of addiction reached every household.

Beside the fact that I personally think its very important to honor the person, friend that has chosen to share time and space with us, the one who has made some effort to come and see us...I think its just basic to give them the greatest attention, love and care we can...

I also think that at this time we all have to watch ourselves carefully and check if we are gradually growing into an addiction that can not be even reflected to us by some of our dear friends as the same behaviors have become normal pattern of their lives.

I was reflecting my own habits with social media a lot since the end of last year and after noticing that I am checking my emails, messages or reading things on social media even before my morning meditation and a cup of tee, it became obvious to me, that I wish to make some adjustments.

So I have made some clear decisions for my current life that I am implementing right now.

Social Media and the modern ways of communication have had a great impact on my life in the past few years and I honor this.

When I was working for an international company I have been communicating daily with different people in different time zones on different platforms.
There were days where I have answered or handled a few hundred of "communications" via email, cell phone, landline phone, skype, facebook messenger , what's app and more.
The amount of all kinds of information that I was absorbing, digesting and proceeding daily was beyond anything I have ever imagined to be able to do.

I ended up with a severe burn out, a new form of social media phobia and chronic exhaustion where I could not open my laptop without getting dizzy...

There are of course countless advantages of technology, social media and Internet and I truly benefit a lot from them by myself in many aspects of life.

I did meet lovely people and clients via social media from all over the world and some I was honored to serve solely via Internet. People who were suffering from severe illness including suicidal thoughts connected with me in these ways and luckily received fast help.

I have experienced wonderful things, received heart touching and creative messages, poems, secrets, angel online cards, read beautiful articles, listened to amazing music and watched breathtaking arts, all provided to me via social media.

I am deeply thankful for all of this.

At the same time I also observe every day the other side of it.

I have seen posts from people who truly seem to forget that they are in public.

I watched people writing comments to their friends and also to prominent people that are beyond any form of courtesy.

Just recently I witnessed that someone who bravely made his relationship public, received within few hours many harsh responses from his so called loving fans and his girl friend was called many unpleasant names, criticized for her look etc. and even cursed a few times..by strangers whom she most likely have never ever met in this life time.

I witness people falling into depression, anxiety and a sort of deprivation after a person they followed signed off from a social media platform.

I have also found strange behaviors like what I call "identity steeling".

When we for example surch on instagram for a prominent person like Jonny Depp, we will find countless people who created an account under his name.

This might sound like a small issue but is intact very serious.

Young people who do that could lose contact to their own soul and could get confused about their own identity. 

On the other hand, souls have chosen their name for a purpose and do not appreciate when others abuse their names in this way and tune in their energy field through this strange connection.

There are also ways of energy steeling through internet or social media we are not enough aware of. Some people are literally sucked out by their followers, when they are too open and not protected enough.

There are many people who suffer from a new form of mobbing via social media, that goes beyond stalking, by people they have never spoke a personal word to but who think they have the right to share their opinion about them in the public, insult, curse, threaten them for what ever reason.

Internet and especially social media is fast and it looks like people sometimes comment faster than they think.

One important self review we can do for any of our posts on social media is to check what, why and how we share there.

I have seen famous yoga teachers who have shared a bad experience they made on a day and used countless violent words despite of any honor code of yoga called ahimsa.

I have observed and offered healing for serious addiction symptoms related to smart phones, social media and more for many people for years and I noticed them starting for myself...

There is so much more to share but at this time I would like to explain what I see with my spiritual channels happening to us due to social media over activities.

I observe that our human and spiritual communication systems shut down due to the overuse of modern technology and lack of real connections and physical conversations.

Skills like the ability to intuitively read the facial expressions, body language are getting lost.

Friends also meet less physically and have less contact like hugs and real laughter in company what is very important for the development of our brain functions and over all health.

I assume that in few years people will not know anymore how to respond appropriately to an emotion that is expressed by someone in front of them.

We do not exchange energy anymore the way we should in our interactions.

In addition to that, when we are chatting via computer or smart phones, they are sending strong light to our brains. That increases our cellular vibration and produces too much energy there. We are also exposed to a not natural electronic energy source that often radiates out right in front of our chest or heart area.

Therefore we suffer from access energy in certain areas of our body like for instance our chest and brain, what can cause head ache, neck pain, anxiety, depressions, lack of concentration, over excitement, insomnia, exhaustion and more.

During normal physical conversation we usually connect with a person through our energy centers and there is a natural energy flow and exchange amongst us.
We also interpret and understand their feelings and verbal expression by identifying their energy vibration and also for instance smelling them.

We can feel someone's vibration of course remotely and tune into that but instead of paying attention to their eyes and lip movements we now only learn how to select or understand the emoji in our chats.
The eyes are truly the window to the soul and looking someone into the eyes while we speak is vital for the exchange of love, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude and more.
It is the key for the creation of a real lasting connection or relationship. Through eye contact and sometimes even physical contact we create a deep closeness and understanding that is not achieved in any cyberspace.

Basically we are becoming less sensitive, a kind of numb but overstimulated at the same time.

Hanging out with people in the cyberspace can be very joyful and exciting but not having the skills anymore to connect with them in real life is painful.

We are all affected by the rapid developments in the technological field that goes much faster than our developments and adjustments of our social skills that historically are established over decades and encoded in our genes.

Many people are thrilled by the possibility to connect with people from different cultures over the continents but we are leaking the understanding for values and certain traditional imprints as they can not be transported to us in the same way via internet as we experience them when we truly travel to another country to dive into the culture with all of our human senses.

After watching what is happening to all of us all over the world regarding the new forms of communication and some deep personal experiences I have decided to be much more alert of my own use of my electronic devices and social media interactions.

I believe that deep in our hearts we are all looking for love, understanding, appreciation, kindness and more. If our souls would not wish to make physical experiences like this anymore, we would not be here on earth in physical bodies.

Cyberspace should serve our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies at the same time and help us to navigate through this physical life instead of getting lost in virtual space.

I deeply love beautiful images and words and I enjoy floating in social media a lot, but at this time of my life, I wish to have real conversations, hear the voice of people I speak to,  have real meetings, real hugs, see real animals, be in the real nature, feel it, smell it and much more.

Therefore I sign out and join in.

I know, those who really love me, will find a way to connect with me in the physical world also.

I invite you all to follow me, surf and chat less and make real experiences in the real world.

With Love

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Halloween a day to connect with HELL-OR-WEAN the light

On october 31st countless people in USA, Europe and other parts of the world celebrate Halloween.
Historically this celebration has it roots in the celtic tradition and was brought by the irish, christian immigrants to America. It was dedicated to remember the dead, the martyrs, those who faithfully departed and all saints.

In the past 25 years a new style came to Europe from America which includes dressing in mainly dark costums, playing games like "trick or treating" and having costume parties where the people get incredibly drunk.

I have been observing the increase of darkness on earth related to this new tradition for years. Weeks before the party starts the shops are already filled with dark costumes, masks, waepons and all kinds of itmes which we do not need on earth at all. We can find nasty pumpkins all over the place, scary coockies in the bakery and all kinds of products with dark images and messages in all stores. I am not even willing to look up the statisitc reports on how much income the plastic industry generates only by selling tons of items only designed for this one sad day. And I am sure they are laughing in their hearts about all of us who are trapped in that strange tradition.

It is most painful to watch how innocent children run around in disguise as the dead, monsters, zombies and more, not knowing what harm they are causing to themselves and the enviornment. For the adults who like to drink aclohol it´s even a bigger mess to cover themselves with darkest stuff from head to toe.

It is time to share some wisdom that can help us to understand how the dark side tricks and abuses humanity to create more darkness on earth.

In my percepetion the 31st of october is one of the darkest days of the year and in order to understand why, we need to open up and learn about some basic universal rules.

First of all as we put so much effort on this day to look an behave as dark and scary as we can, we are giving a lot of attention to the dark side and in fact we are feeding the dark side with our energy.

One universal principle taught for countless years by Grandmaster Zhi Gang Sha is: Where we put our focus or awareness, this is where our energy goes.

Second important key point is that when we put clothes on our body with written negative words or images this is what our body, our energy and our souls absorb.

We are mainly made of water and water stores messages or information. When we waer only one negatve word like for instance "hate" for a few hours on our chest, this message radiates to our soul, programs our consciuosness as well as even changes the vibration of our cells and is inprinted in our cells.


Further more, we radiate this message to the world and according to the universal laws, we attract what we sent out.

Maybe we should read some reports about the statistics of increased violence and agression, fights, rape, robbery, accidents and more on october 31st in order to understand the truth shared above.

By identifying with a dark character that we represent, we actually attract many dark souls as well as we dramatically lower our frequency and even cause our negative karma to activate even it was not meant to activate yet.

Have we ever wondered why many actors suffer from depression and anxiety or even commit suicide especially after they have played dark roles?

I can clearly see that they pollute themselves beyond their comprehansion when they embody dark people and do not have enough wisdom and techniques how to release the darkness. Some of them are affected by that forever.

And all of this is just the top of the ice berg.

What truly occurs of 31st of october can only be observed with open spiritual channels like for instance the third eye, what is a cherry sized energy center, located in the middle of our brain at the paneal gland, which percieves images from the spiritual world.

When we dress up dark and pretend to scare people, join in all kind of dark activities we actually invoce the dark side.

What I see on this day, is that countless dark portels on earth open up and the darkest beings, demons, monsters, countless creepy creatures from lower levels of hell step out to the world.

The dark side becomes very powerful on this day as we celebrate it.

There are traditions in different cultures where the dark side is honored and acknowledged in a respectful way on a special day of the year as it is a part of the creation in the yin yang world.

But this is not what humanity is doing on october 31st.

We are then mainly playing with the dark and give it a lot of space, power and opportunites to get attached to us, especially when we are drunk, when we lower our frequency and vibration and our natural protection field breaks down. Then we are not safe and the dark energies can easily connect with us as we open up for them.

Another major problem is that there are countless lost souls (hungry ghosts) on earth.

They basically live here amongst us without being noticed by the majority of humanity.
Some cultures spread the wisdom about the hungry ghosts in their traditions but in the western world we mainly learn about them from horror movies or settings where we make fun of them.

In reality the lost souls are a huge problem for humanity as they are living on our energy and often get attached to people to suck out their life force as well as they try to take over an other living human body in order to have a "house" to continue their life. Their presence can make us sad, aggressive, cause sleeping disorders, relationship problems or even make us physically sick.

Hungry ghosts are lost souls who have not rise to heaven due to their negative karma or simply missed the opportunity to rise up when they did not want to move on the soul journey cause they left the physical body due to an accident, a sickness, a war, a natural disaster or under shocking circumstances. Then the souls are sometimes confused and do not know where to go.
They also sometimes don´t want to move on cause they are too attached to their last life, their belongings like house and money, their loved ones or simply have unfinished tasks. When the time window of 48 earthly days for them to go, closes and they decide to stay, then they are most likely stuck on earth without a phyiscal boddy for ever.

Unless a light worker with enough wisdom and special abilities helps them to move on to light.

They run around here all the time and love to be in low vibrational, dark places but they especially love the celebrations of 31st cause they receive a lot of energy from all who celebrate as well many opportunities to jump in a persons body when someone is hoplessly drunk or under the influence of drugs.

I know all of this is not easy to digest and I would love to see mother earth as a bright and holy planet but in fact this is not what it is. Mother earth is a quite dark place and we are the ones who have polluted it over countless decades through our negative thoughts, words and actions.

We create darkness all the time. Any dark or negative thought creates more darkness.
All activites that hurt or harm others create darkness.

The participation in dark things, like horror movies, dark music, violent games and all things that are based on mental, emotional, physical, sexual, financial abuse, contribute to manifest more darkness.

Every negative word, written or spoken, all complaining, gossip or cursing creates more darkness.

My grand mother Maria, who is a very clear voyent lady ones taught my god mother a lesson. She observed that my aunty when she was about 7 years old spoke some cursing words to another kid. She took her daughter to the side and told her that she does not wish for her to speak such darkness and when my aunty asked why and what´s so bad about it, she said that she saw many disgusting worms coming out of her mouth when she spoke like that.

Yes, when we speak dark words we create and manifest very ugly things in the world.

Humanity would be scared to death when their third eyes would be fully open and they could see all these dark things.

My recommendation for october 31st is to stay at home and keep away from darkness.

The best thing would be to chant holy mantras and ask for forgiveness for all the darkness we have created and the harm we have collectivly caused to Mother Earth and all who live here.

Chanting a holy mantra like the for instance the Love Peace Harmony Soul Song (that you can downlaod for free below) not only clears our negtaive karma, it calms and purifies our mind, uplifts our frequency and vibration. It also creates a special and powerful light field around us and strengthens our protection. We are surrounded by countless holy beings when we chant sacred mantras. We invoce the light side.

We bring more light to Mother Earth that can transform the darkness over the time.


For those who still feel they would like to go out and have fun in the dark it would be the best to dress lightfully. You could wear angel cloths or go as a strong light being, an avatar or someone who represents light qualities like Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter or Peter Pan.

Please know that the only way to transform darkness is to connect with the light.

In order to have the desire to do this from the bottom of our hearts and souls, we need to be educated about some things that no one teaches us currently at school.

There are countless tools and many powerful Soul Healers that carry a lot of wisdom as well as high healing abilities to help those who suffer from the dark.

May we all awake and stop creating more darkness within and outside of us.

Let us all be the light.

With my deepest Love to all of you and with my greatest gratitude to all my spiritual fathers and mothers, my beloved teachers in heaven and on mother earth who shared words of wisdom for this article with me.


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

About Soul Light Yoga

Soul Light Yoga is a Yoga Style designed by Magdalena Kusch in 2010 with heaven´s guidance for the greatest benefit of the practitioner and all souls.

The Soul Light Yoga practice combines the traditional ancient yoga wisdom with Soul Light Healing.

Soul Light Yoga includes five major powers:
Body Power (yoga postures and special hand positions)
Mind Power (creative visualisation)
Sound Power (sacred mantras and soul songs)
Breath Power (full natural breathing and ujai breathing)
Soul Power (special invocations to connect with the inner and outer souls)

Every Soul Light Yoga class has a special heart and soul focus (theme for the class).

During the Soul Light Yoga class the participants deeply connect with their own souls and activate their soul healing abilities.

Through Soul Power the yogis align their soul, heart, mind and body and unite with the highest source.

Through Soul Power the yogis open to absorb high frequency Soul Light to harmonize, heal, purify, transform, uplift and enlighten their entire being.

The practice takes place in a special very high energy field (Tao Chang) infront of an original Source Calligraphy created  by Dr. and Grandmaster Sha.

The special field provides additional Soul light nourishment and boosts the energy, stamina, vitality and immunity.

The field also helps practitioners who wish to calm and balance their energy to remove the energy blockages and achieve a relief of physical pain.

The overall energy flow is harmonized and this has a positive impact on the emotional and mental body.

The yoga asanas are always thought in natural flow and in allignment with the universal principles and laws.

The practitioner is always supported with appropriate manual adjustments according to their individual needs.

The flow of a Soul Light Yoga class is like following

Arrival and centering

Soul Power invocation: introduction of the Heart and Soul Focus including Soul Light Yoga philosophy

Soul Light Meditation

Warming Up Asanas

Heart and Soul Focus Asanas

Relaxation (Savasana) including Soul Light Healing Blessing for one request

Soul Light Meditation

Soul Message for the day: Communication with the own Soul

Tee Time, time for questions

The Soul Light Yoga sessions are always dedicated to the greatest well being of the practitioner and all souls on mother earth and in all universes. They contriubute to create Love, Peace and Harmony for all souls.

Currently there are three different Soul Light Yoga classes offered at the Soul Light Academy in Vemdalen., Bastugatan 1.

The Focus of the Heart and Soul for the classes in the week 33 is "Foundation".

In August all classes are offered for free.

Due to the room size the yoga mats are limitted and a reservation via email to Magdalena@SoulLightAcademy.com is required.

The doors always open and close 30 minutes before and after the class.

Mondays, 18.00, All Levels
Soft Soul Light Yoga for a great start in the week ahead.

Wednesday, 18.00 Beginners
Basic Soul Light Yoga for all who start with yoga and for all those who wish to deepen their wisdom especially in alignment.

Friday, 17.00, Advanced
Advanced Soul Light Yoga for all those who already know the sun salutations, can follow them in a gentle flow and are open for more advanced positions.

In August all classes are offered for free. Donations from the heart are always welcome.

I will publish the fees for the classes and abonements starting in September soon.

With my deepest Love and Light.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Soul Apps are real

In my service as a Soul Healer I often have the chance to explain to the people I serve, offer Soul Healings and Soul Readings how this acutally works.
People often ask me: How can a Soul Healer offer Soul Healings to another being?
And the answer is, it is actually very simple: we have been given some Divine Treasures, Transmssions or Downloads from Heaven.
They have been transmitted to our bodies. Actually to our Soul, Heart, Mind and Body.

They carry very high frequencies of Divine Love, Divine Forgiveness, Divine Compassion, Divine Light and much more. When we turn the treasures on, they radiate these frequencies out to the recipient. They are connected to heaven and in fact gather very high frequencies directly from higher levels of heaven and bring them down to Mother Earth. For me it looks with my soul eyes, like a kind of huge light column that comes down from heaven, similar to the Peace Tower of John Lennon you can see below. But the peace tower sends light up to heaven ;)

The recipient is bathed with light during such a Soul Healing Blessing and the frequencies of her/his Soul, Heart, Mind and Body are transformed and uplifted.Soul Mind Body Blockages are removed. It is a like huge light cleansing.
There is much more that happens during a Soul Healing also in the Akashic Records and Heaven but I will describe more of this later.

People have often a lack of imagination how this is possibble, but in fact it is truly easier than sending someone an email. We work on computers for hours a day and send out countless emails in our life and do not wonder or question how this is possible. For me and my little understandig of technology, this is actually miraculous and I wonder up to now how this works.

On the other hand offering healings is very natural to me. I know since I am a little girl that I can sent energy to others like for instance Love or Compassion and I know I can do it also remotely as time and space is just not as real as human mind thinks.

I also always knew that I could connect to higher energy sources and be charged by them like for instance the Sun and the Moon and I have connected and meditated with them countless times.

In general it is much faster to sent out a Soul Healing Blessing than sending emails as soul light is faster than the speed of light and our thoughts are actually very fast too.

 But how can we receive such a kind of Soul App in order to be able to apply it and receive and offer services with it?

Well, we need to go to an authorized Soul App Dealer :)

It works the same way like we would like to update our computer.  We need to find someone who is truly authorized to offer us what we want.

We have to find the real one, who has the authority to transmit such high powers to us. A true Teacher. This one carries the authority directly from heaven. And it is a chosen and empowered servant to deliver the treasures to humanity.

Such Teachers or Gurus or Masters have always existed on Mother Earth. Since creation. But in our times they have been not easy to find. They would often hide somewhere in the mountains. Where only truly dedicated ones would take the effort to reach out for them and find them. These would be very blessed then and eventually become a lineage holder and maybe also receive the honor, authority and heaven´s grace to offer special heaven´s gift to humanity.

But at this time of Mother Earth Transission, heaven has a master plan how to support humanity in the upliftment process and heaven has sent a true Servant, Master and Saint again to Mother Earth to deliver wisdom, practices, healings and Soul Treasures to us.
His name is Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha.

And this Servant has been assigned by heaven to train other teachers and empower them to also deliver soul treasures to humanity. They are like the authorized Soul App Deliverers.
They are called Divine Channels or World Wide Representatives of Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha.
All of them offer Soul Treasures including Divine Healing Hands, what is one of the major Soul Healing Treasures for Humanity.

 You can learn more about Divine Healing Hands here soon or simply visit this website


There are also some Special Guides who have been trained to offer the Teachings about the Divine Healing hands and you will be able read more about them at the same website above.

I have personally been gifted with Soul Treasures since 2008 and have been gifted with Divine Healing Powers that are beyond my comprehansion.

Since the 2010  I have been honored to organize Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer Trainings in Berlin and assist Master David Lusch in training the Soul Healers there. At our first event in August 2010 five participants have taken this training and received the Soul App Divine Healing Hands, in 2011 there have been 50 excited people who joined the event. Now there are more than 400 Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers in Berlin and more than 5000 world wide.
Together they all serve humanity and Mother Earth to help to heal and transform the consciousness.


Since 2013 I have been given the honor to train Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers by myself.
In the past 6 years I have not missed even one of these World Wide Trainings and this weekend all around the world will have the opportunity to be part of this great family to be trained and begin to offer Soul Healings to themselves, their loved ones, animals, plants and more.

If you wish to join the Event that will start Friday Morning 10 am the 8th of April 2016 in many places around the world, please go here to find out more and register.


I can personally report countless miracle stories I have witnessed over the last 6 years that have been created through Divine Healing Hands.

One of the very first ones in Berlin was for a young lady who had breast cancer and was addicted to smoking. Her doctors have adviced her to stop and she tried everything for a long time but failed. She came to me and received one Soul Operation (I will share more about this soon) and one Divine Healing Hands Blessing for this issue and have quit smoking the very next day. She is also healed from cancer completely and maybe you can imagine now she became a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer by herself.

By the way, one of the most famous Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers of history was Jesus. Yes, Jesus has been chosen and gifted with many soul healing treasures or apps as well as Divine Healing Hands.

Not everyone can become such a powerful and amazing healer like Jesus was but at this time many many people have the chance to become at least a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer and move with their service in the direction of serving like a real saint.

If you feel a desire in your heart to do so, I can only encourage you.
You will be amazed. Maybe as much as I am when I press the button to sent an email out or post this sharing;)

Wishing you great joy and happiness on your journey and maybe you would like to at least experience a free Divine Healing Hands Blessing for one request.
Just email me and see what happens.

With Love and Happiness

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

True Love

...is born from understanding
The Buddha

In order to find True Love within ourselves and for our selves we all need understanding.
Every being wishes to be understood and wants to understand others and the world. In order to understand others we actually need to understand ourselves first. And only beings who already understand themselves are able to understand others. If we do not understand ourselves we are most likely to be ruled by the opinions of others who do not understand themselves and us at all.
When we understand ourselves we radiate the frequency of understanding out to the universe and attract situations and people who understand us and support us in a deeper understanding process.

But what does understanding actually mean?
As the word includes: It is the knowing about (what) who we are, why we are here and how we are going to serve in this world in that we stand.

Understanding is the comprehansion of the fact 
that we are all STANDING UNDER 
the universal laws, the guidance and the support of heaven 
and that we have tasks to accomplish 
in alignment to the degree of our understanding

As long as we do not understand the last line above, we truly do not understand much.

Understanding ourselves is the most important part of the self realisation process.

In order to understand who we are we need to have a look at ourselves. We need to look deep within and we need to open ourselves to see things we like and we dislike. As our human mind is conditoned to judge and opperates in the modus of yin and yang...

Understading the dark parts of ourselves has nothing to do with judgement
and everything with acceptance.

Acceptance is one of the most important ingredients in the self understanding and self realisation process.

To accept means to receive wisdom and to embrace it fully.

It means that we examine the situations, the circumstances where the darkness was created and acknowledge that we have done mistakes. We not only find out what we have done but also out why we have done them and how we can transform so they do not influence us.

In the moment of understanding we are also given the solution for transformation.

When we really understand an issue we automatically know how to do better.
The solution of a problem is instantly offered to us in the moment of true understanding.

In the self-examination process we would ask oursleves three incredibly important questions:
1. What have I done or what happened to me?
2. Why have I done it or why did it happen to me?
3. How can I transform?
When we understand why we have done certain things or what caused us to react in a special way, we will feel understanding for ourselves and also for everyone involved.

From the expereince we made, we can now take what we have learned and apply the wisdom to other situations and we also can heal the pain and darkness that was caused. 

I will share a practical example with all of you.

In my whole life I have experienced very huge discomfort and suffering when I would become hungry and not be able to eat instantly because I am for instance at work, or have no food available at that moment. It would become so stressful to me, to feel hungry that eventually I would start to cry.
I did always know in my head that a person can survive without food for a couple of days and that my fear that I felt inside, was the fear of dying and even by knowing that I would of course not die at this moment I could not stop, manage or release the fear and the discomfort of starving symptoms in my body. Only when I would finally get something to eat all of this would stop immediatly.

After realizing the law of karma and after my spiritual channels have opened so much that I was able to see my life and past life situations very clearly, I was able to find out where this strong reaction came from. As often, more than one of my past lifes has contributed to me feeling hungry in this way. There where lives where I have starved to hunger due to certain circumstances by myself and lives where I and my ancestors have done huge mistakes that caused others to starve to dead.There was a lot huge karma created on my journey related to food.

I begun to understand all of this and also did many practices to heal the imprints of the experiences on my soul, heart, mind and body.

But I did still often feel the strong impact of little hunger on me.

And I finally found out that one of the most important influantial experiences was actually from this life.

In a meditation healing session I have seen myself as a very little baby, crying and being extremely hungry. My father was not there and my mother was around in the house but not reacting to me.
When I saw this images I felt a lot of pain and desperation and I was wondering why my mother did not come over and to feed me and to take care of me. And then heaven opened up and showed me that my mother has suffered from a very severe post natal depression after my birth and was feeling so down at that time that she could not take care of me.

Seeing this have given me a very deep understanding of my whole life issue and at the same time allowed me to feel very deep understanding for my mom, feel compassion and a very deep level of love for her.

Real understanding always leads to more love for ourselves and for others.

When we truly understand our mistakes or the mistakes of others, we do not blame, judge, criticize but instead we instantly enter the space of unconditional forgiveness.
When we blame and criticize and judge, we are not understanding and we are actually experiencing and causing sepperation while

in the moment of deep understanding we experience Oneness.
Understanding causes our soul, heart, mind and body to Join as One.
Understanding is the experience of our soul, heart, mind and body being also United with the Source.

Understanding is Feeling Understood by the Source.


As my mother passed away early, I was never able to speak to her about this but when I visited my aunt in Poland who is my God Mother a few years ago, she actually totally confirmed that and shared with me that she often would come over to look after me cause she heard my crying and that she prepared me a bottle with milk to feed me when she realized I was not fed and screeming because of that.
This actually revealed to me why I always felt such a deep love and connection to my aunt even I have not seen her for the most part of my life.

Understanding our pain or a painful aspect of our life by applying the technique of examination of what, why and how is really possible.
Even we might not have open spiritual channels or believe in past lives.
There are many ways to connect with the own soul and receive answers from our own soul for our own issues.

Now I would like to invite you to go to my section of Soul Light Practices and try the steps I have prepared for you for your self understanding process.

Wishing you the greatest joy and happiness in the process of understanding yourself, the others and the world.

Thank you for reading my sharing.

With my deepest Love and Gratitude